We as your brokers would like to keep you informed as to what you are covered for under the various sections of your SANTAM COMMERCIAL policy. Continuing from our previous e-mails regarding FIRE COVER, BUSINESS INTERUPTION COVER, THEFT COVER , BUSINESS ALL RISKS COVER, and GOODS IN TRANSIT COVER here is a summary of what is covered under the ELECTRONIC EQUIPMENT COVER SECTION of your policy :
Electronic Equipment cover is designed to cover loss or damage to the whole or part of electronic equipment that is stated or specified in the schedule,that is owned by the insured. Damages to this equipment or losses may occur :
- At work premises , whilst being dismantled for the purpose of cleaning, inspection or overhaul.
- Whilst items are temporarily removed to another building.
- Whilst items are loaded or unloaded whilst en-route to being stored at other premises temporarily.
- Anywhere in the world if insured equipment is a laptop, tablet or portable electronic device specified in the schedule.
- At the premises of any supplier or repairer of such equipment for the purpose of cleaning or repair.
Please note the following clauses under this cover :
- Subject to a maximum of the Insured amount selected in the schedule. Insurers may in some instances, be able to negotiate cheaper replacement prices and have the right to settle accordingly or replace accordingly.
- Subject to the excess deduction stated in the schedule.
- Specified electronic equipment must be protected on all conductive services like power supply plugs, telecommunication lines and data lines. This protection must be SABS approved.
- The cost of reproducing data and programmes is excluded from this section .
- Theft of electronic items must be accompanied by forcible entry/exit from premises, like a break in or armed robbery. Portable items like laptops and tablets are excluded from this requirement but these items need to be locked up overnight.
- Theft of electronic goods from a vehicle will only be covered if that item is locked away in a compartment of the vehicle and not visible to passers-by, or if theft from that vehicle is accompanied by forced entry/exit into that vehicle. Theft due to car-jamming is not covered, unless video footage can be produced proving the theft.
- Software packages are excluded from these specified elecronic items and need to be insured separately.
- Electronic accessories like laptop bags, dongles etc. are not automatically covered unless included in the Sum Insured amount and stated to be included.
We trust that this clarifies what is covered under this section and please contact us should you have any questions or queries.